The Story of the Vision
"The Story of the Vision" is a video presentation with Pastor Stan Russell from Horizon Community Church, tracing the history of the Horizon Christian Campus. Learn more about the Horizon Campus Project by watching our video, The Story of the Vision.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity in helping us meet these needs. God bless you.
Hawk Heritage Giving Society: Bridging Vision with Reality
Horizon Christian Schools have grown through the generous investment of donors, major fundraising campaigns and the ongoing support of parent church, Horizon Community Church. However, the schools are in need of a long-term, vision based approach to sustainable funding. A new day is dawning where we can move beyond special appeals, auctions and fundraisers. To achieve this end we purpose to build lifelong relationships with donors who truly understand and support the ongoing mission of Horizon Christian Schools. Introducing the Hawk Heritage Giving Society.
ACE "Actual Cost of Education"
The actual cost of educating each student at Horizon Christian Schools is currently, on average 20% higher than the rates we are charging for tuition annually. is is by design as it is our desire for Horizon to be a ordable and accessible to as many local families as possible. Any family choosing to pay the Actual Cost of Education ACE) for their child(ren) will receive an automatic subsidy. ACE giving, combined with Hawk Heritage Giving Society giving pledges, and carefully managed fundraising activities on each campus, provides the funding to " ll the gap" between the actual costs of education and the current tuition rates. All families that are able are encouraged to participate in this program. Your gi to the ACE Program is fully tax-deductible and enables Horizon to continue providing outstanding programs and services to students now and into the future.

Horizon Christian Campus The Case for Support: Capital Projects
The Case for Support is a comprehensive document detailing the Horizon Campus Project. Horizon Campus Case for Support.
Horizon Christian Campus Project Phases
Learn more about the Horizon Campus Project by downloading this document which details the phases of the project. Horizon Campus Project Phases "Changing Lives to Change the World".